Six Ways to Lower Blood Sugars Fast

Six Ways to Lower Blood Sugars Fast

Feb 01, 2024

Beyond medications and diet control, I have many ways to stabilize blood sugars (I've studied this for a lifetime and even wrote a book about it). However, six easy and surprising ways to lower blood sugar, lower BP, and raise mood are: 1) ) Laugh, 2) Stretch, 3) Take a bath or shower, 4) Drink Water, 5) Isometric Exercise, and 6) Breathwork.

These unconventional methods temporarily lower blood pressure by relaxing muscular tension - and sugar by increasing insulin sensitivity. It's important to note that these methods are not meant to replace standard medical advice and treatments for managing high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance and treatment.

#1 Laughing:

Laughter is known to have various positive effects on the body, including reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being. When you laugh, your body releases endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals. This can help lower stress levels, and reduced stress may positively impact blood pressure. However, the effect of laughter on blood sugar is less direct. While laughter may contribute to an improved overall mood, its impact on blood sugar levels is likely modest. It's important to note that while laughter can be a valuable part of stress management, it should not be relied upon as the sole method for managing blood sugar and blood pressure. (Note that there may be caveats and warnings with hot baths due to neuropathy.)

#2 Stretching:

Stretching, mainly through activities like yoga or gentle stretching exercises, can promote relaxation and improve flexibility. Relaxation techniques, including testing, can help reduce stress and its associated impact on blood pressure. Regular physical activity, including stretching, can also improve blood sugar management. However, the effects of stretching alone on blood sugar levels will not be significant. You have to use yoga as it's intended (as an isometric exercise) to improve your state of mind and grow your focus. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and medical guidance are recommended for optimal blood sugar and blood pressure management.

#3 Taking a Hot Bath (or Shower)

Taking a hot bath or shower can induce a sense of relaxation and help relieve muscle tension. Warm water immersion may lead to temporary dilation of blood vessels, which could have a minor effect on blood pressure. Extreme heat (in baths, hot tubs, or sunburns) can cause blood vessels to dilate, which makes insulin absorb more quickly and could lead to low blood sugar. Additionally, warm baths reduce stress, indirectly benefiting blood pressure levels.

#4 Drinking Water:

Drinking water can play a role in managing blood sugar, particularly for people with diabetes. If you are overindulged and are expecting or experiencing high blood sugar, down plenty of water to help your kidneys flush the sugar out. Drinking water helps the body process glucose and can prevent dehydration-related spikes in blood sugar. However, while hydration is essential, solely relying on water intake to lower blood pressure or blood sugar levels would be inadequate. A comprehensive approach that includes dietary changes, exercise, and potentially medication under medical guidance is necessary.

#5 Hugging (Yourself) -

Doing isometric exercises, such as mountain pose, happy baby, chair pose, or most yoga poses as you hug inward, will burn many calories. Studies comparing dynamic (DRT) and isometric (IRT) resistance training and its effects on blood glucose, muscle redox capacity, inflammatory state, and muscle strength and hypertrophy found that DRT increases inflammation more, and isometrics significantly burn calories and lower blood sugar.

Doing isometric exercises, such as mountain pose, happy baby, chair pose, or most yoga poses as you hug inward, will burn many calories.

#6 Breathwork (Pranayama) such as Khalaphati or Bhastrika:

Pranayama, such as Bhastrika or Bellows Breath, may help reduce blood sugar levels. It is a breathing exercise involving rapid inhalation and exhalation by pumping the abdominals in, letting the lungs fill naturally twenty times, and then breathing normally. The Sanskrit word Bhastrika means "bellows" and describes filling and emptying the abdomen and lungs during the practice. Practising Bhastrika praṇ̄ayāma can increase the metabolism and uptake of sugar in the peripheral tissues.

In summary, these activities —pranayama laughing, stretching, getting hot (such as via a sauna, jacuzzi, hot bath, or showers), and drinking more water than usual, doing some extra isometrics -- can contribute positively to overall health and well-being. They should not be considered standalone methods for effectively managing blood sugar and blood pressure. For individuals with concerns about these health markers, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for tailored guidance and treatment options. Lifestyle changes, proper medication (if necessary), regular medical check-ups, and a well-balanced diet and exercise are crucial components of blood sugar and blood pressure management.

If you have concerns about your blood pressure, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and appropriate treatment.

Nothing to laugh about?? (I've been there.) Try laughter yoga, where you laugh anyway.

Karin - Diabetic Business Coach and Healer (Change Coach, Yoga Therapist, Instant Miracle Mastery Healer, Coach and Reiki Master + )


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