Walking in Nature Proven to Lower Stress

Walking in Nature Proven to Lower Stress

Sep 19, 2022

Walking in Nature Now Proven to Lower Stress

We know that stress reduction and exercise are critical for diabetics in order to stabilize blood sugar. Walking is now proven to lower stress. Established by on a recent study. This is a good idea for us all, and since diabetics definitely need to lower stress and get exercise this is good news. It's an easy and accessible way to get exercise and manage and lower stress. Find links to more in-depth within and such as here.

I heard this on the Thom Hartmann Show. What a trove of well-reasoned information he shares! It seems to be a theme of his. He has written a book all about it, Walking Your Blues Away, by Thom Hartmann. Get it on Amazon via this link or get it at your local library.

So today, I took an almost-one-hour walk with Cocoa, my bloodsugardog, in a local very lovely park!

And as stress reduction and exercise are pillars of stabilizing blood sugar, it makes sense to make sure to do it!

The Five Ways Just Walking Reduces Stress and Anxiety lowering blood pressure, improving mood, inviting healing, reducing stress, and cancer prevention. Seethis post, too:https://www.nfcr.org/blog/5-ways-walking-can-reduce-stress-and-prevent-illness-2022/


I loved to hear that one city, Portland, has a requirement that all new neighborhoods have trees and green space - and already has the greenest city in the US. My sister lives there, and I hope to get to hike their greenway with her someday soon.

Good to know: Retractable leashes are bad (because it teaches dogs to walk on a taught leash - and you want a dog to learn to walk on a loose leash), and dangerous because it can damage their trachea.

My favorite type of leash is one like this:

We know that stress reduction and exercise are critical for diabetics in order to stabilize blood sugar, and it's great now that there is so much solid evidence and action on these insights! Let's get out there!

